Photograph by © Veronica Gray
Laura Donnelly is the author of Midwest Gothic, selected by Maggie Smith as the winner of the Richard Snyder Prize and published by Ashland Poetry Press in fall 2020. Midwest Gothic was also a finalist for the Poets Out Loud Prize and the Lexi Rudnitsky Editor’s Choice Award. Donnelly’s first book of poetry, Watershed, won the 2013 Cider Press Review Editors’ Prize. Her poems have appeared in Indiana Review, Columbia Poetry Review, Rhino, Passages North, Flyway, Mississippi Review and in the online publications of Missouri Review, Harvard Review, Poets.org and elsewhere. Her book reviews appear in Kenyon Review Online and she co-authors a column on nature and the arts for the Sterling Nature Center in Upstate New York.
Originally from Michigan, Donnelly received an MFA from Purdue University and a PhD from Western Michigan University. Her work has been supported by fellowships and scholarships from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Corporation of Yaddo, the I-Park Foundation, the Ragdale Foundation, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. She is an Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at SUNY Oswego. She lives in Upstate New York with her husband, Ben, and a cat named Sue.
For an interview with Laura Donnelly about her latest book, visit Hypertext Magazine.