Judith Kitchen's Review of Watershed in the Georgia Review
I've long admired Judith Kitchen's poetry and criticism, and I'm deeply honored that she included Watershed in the final review she wrote...
Review of Watershed in American Microreviews and Interviews
I've been following American Microreviews and Interviews for a while now (quick, perceptive reviews by writers I admire), and was honored...
CNY Books and Authors
Glad to have Watershed included in this Syracuse.com article on Central New York Books and Authors! Also featured is Sarah Yaw, author of...
Watershed in SUNY Oswego News
Thanks to Tim Nekritz at SUNY Oswego for this write-up of Watershed in SUNY Oswego's News! Also, thanks to Andrew Kowal for his article...
Michigan Readings -- Holland and Kalamazoo
Mid-September readings in Michigan with the brilliant Katherine Bode-Lang! The trip included beers named after our books (Laura's Honey...
Watershed Book Launch
Thank you to Bill and Mindy at the River's End Bookstore for hosting the book launch! Great to see so many friends, colleagues, students,...